Tag Lich King

John Barrymore April 18, 2024 3 minutes
Learn about the recent update in Wrath of the Lich King, version, which includes an increase in the Character Gold Cap. While there has been no official announcement about the update, it is speculated that this change is in preparation for the launch of Cataclysm Classic. Find out more details and get ready for the release of Cataclysm Classic on May 20th.
John Barrymore March 26, 2024 7 minutes
Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall events have arrived on Wrath of the Lich King Classic realms. Players can participate in the events to reclaim either Gnomeregan or the Echo Isles, depending on their faction. Wowhead has provided guides to help players navigate through the event and earn valuable rewards.
John Barrymore March 20, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post analyzes the DPS rankings for Wrath of the Lich King Classic in Icecrown Citadel during the week of March 12th. The data is taken from Warcraft Logs and focuses on the 95th percentile, providing an overall picture of class balance in Phase 4. However, it should be noted that biases and alternative strategies may skew the results.
John Barrymore February 14, 2024 5 minutes
This blog post provides an analysis of the DPS rankings for Wrath of the Lich King Classic in Icecrown Citadel during the week of February 6th. The data is sourced from Warcraft Logs' Icecrown Citadel statistics, focusing on the 95th percentile for a perspective on class balance. The post includes disclaimers about biases and alternative strategies that may affect the rankings.
John Barrymore January 24, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post analyzes the DPS rankings for Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic in Icecrown Citadel. Using data from Warcraft Logs, the post provides insight into the current state of class balance in Wrath Classic, although it acknowledges that the data may be skewed due to biases and alternative strategies. The post also includes a chart showing rankings for all percentiles and provides links to class guides for Phase 4.
John Barrymore January 09, 2024 4 minutes
Discover the excitement of Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking with this week's Dragonflight Bonus Event! Take on the challenge of Timewalking dungeons and the Ulduar raid, where Yogg-Saron awaits. Earn valuable rewards, including transmog sets and pets, while experiencing the thrill of this nostalgic event.
John Barrymore December 01, 2023 5 minutes
Looking to earn some rewards in World of Warcraft's Trading Post for December 2023? Check out this blog post for a rundown of the easiest tasks to complete, including slaying Doomwalker, launching fireworks in capital cities, and defeating raid bosses. With these tips, you'll be on your way to earning the Buttercuppet and Trader's Tender!
John Barrymore October 13, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post celebrates Progress from EU Gehennas for achieving the World First kill of Heroic Lich King in Icecrown Citadel Wrath of the Lich King Classic. The post also mentions the time it took for the Classic community to accomplish this feat and provides additional information on Icecrown Citadel and its boss strategy guides.
John Barrymore October 11, 2023 3 minutes
This week in World of Warcraft, Blizzard has announced the Fall of the Lich King content update, featuring new dungeons, a random dungeon finder, and the opening of Icecrown Citadel. Players can face the Lich King in either Normal or Heroic modes and undertake the Shadowmourne Legendary quest chain. Stay updated on the official World of Warcraft news site for more details and events happening this week.
John Barrymore September 29, 2023 2 minutes
Blizzard is making adjustments to the Lich King encounter in Heroic Icecrown Citadel, reducing damage to the Lich King, Raging Spirits, and Vile Spirits for 45 seconds after Harvest Souls is cast. This change aims to address a tactic where certain classes deliberately die and resurrect outside of the fight to deal more damage. The adjustment will be available for testing soon on the PTR.
John Barrymore September 18, 2023 2 minutes
Get ready to face the Lich King in Wrath of the Lich King Classic as Patch 3.4.3 releases on October 10th. Explore new dungeons, take on the Icecrown Citadel raid, and participate in exciting events like Pirate's Day and Brewfest. Stay updated with all the latest WoW news on the official World of Warcraft news site.
John Barrymore September 04, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard has reintroduced Joyous Journeys, a 50% experience buff in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, now available until Icecrown Citadel launches. Take advantage of this opportunity to level up your character, try out new ones, or invite friends to join you on your Northrend adventures.